
As always, I hope you like my paintings. I made this one several years ago as part of a series of paintings in different colors of prison walls with flowering vines growing on them, inspired by the amazing poem by Jackie Wang: “What do we make of the flowering vine that uses as its trellis the walls of the prison?

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Jun 21, 2022Liked by Alec Karakatsanis

Thanks for this Alec, assigned/required reading this fall.

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My apologies, the tax evasion link was an error. The article I meant to link to is this: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-04-13/tax-cheats-are-costing-u-s-1-trillion-a-year-irs-estimates

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Suggestion; I mentally preface every article I read with the mental note; reported crime has been been dropping for very steadily for 30 years, and even with the few urban upticks recently, we still the safest we have been since the fifties(? can't remember).

The hard evidence is that local policing strategy had little if anything to do with it. NYPD did broken windows, San Diego PD did community policing, LAPD didn't didn't change anything. If there was a measurable difference between the strategies, I haven't heard of it.

In case you haven't this, the most likely reason; The Clean Air Act.

Because not only did crime go down here, it went down in Europe and other places.

Which is crazy, social phenomena just doesn't do that.

It looks like every country that banned leaded gasoline, about twenty years later saw a dramatic continuing decrease in crime. If there is a better explanation, I haven't heard it. It would have to be one hell of an explanation.

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Very perceptive and disconcerting.

I agree entirely with your premises.

Keep up the good work!

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I like the advice and am here to learn, but there’s lots of journalistic wiggle language here. “There have been numerous” + “experts caution” + “Police have been shown to” + “Prosecutors have been shown to” + “Based on the available scientific evidence” x3, with no links on any of those vague assertions that intend to carry a lot of weight.

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I take your point. I would just note that none of these particular claims are controversial. They are the kinds of claims that media outlets publish every day with the phrase "experts say." It wasn't the purpose of this post to support all of those claims, which I did in some of the linked articles and in my twitter threads on each of those topics. But I do appreciate the need to source those kinds of statements in everything I write because people may not be familiar with the other writings. Thanks!

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Thanks for these tips. Could you provide links or citations for the bullet points that don't have them yet? I'd really like to be able to read and share those sources. Thank you!

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I don't have the time to do the entire post now, but which claims in particular are you most interested in? Many of them are supported with links in this thread: https://twitter.com/equalityAlec/status/1476221720621166601

But if there is something in particular you're interested in, let me know.

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Thanks for responding! I'm interested in sources for the third bullet point (re: 1. underreporting of DV, and 2. underreporting of dv BECAUSE people don't trust law enforcement); and the claim that there's no evidence that incarceration reduces the occurrence of domestic violence and/or sexual assault. (Would also love to know what the evidence says about whether prosecution of domestic violence, sexual assault, gender-based violence reduces those occurrences, but I know that wasn't the claim listed in this post.) Thanks and no worries if you don't have time, just have had trouble finding that info myself. Appreciate the guide!

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Awesome. There is a LOT on each of these things. I think the best overall book on this is The Feminist War on Crime by Professor Aya Gruber. It should cover each of these things.

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