I am so relieved that a man of your knowledge and stature has been able to disprove, discard, and debunk everything said by this terrible reporter. No lie goes unexposed with Alec! You would think the NYT would use the tried and true method of wrapping lies in a few truths so they dangerously take seed among actual facts, but in the post truth world these fascist reporters share with Trump, they don't even bother anymore. It's just flagrant copaganda lies all the way down!!! Thank you Alec, we are so indebted to your use of science, evidence, and the truth to expose major US newspapers as lie factories. Even the way the right calls the NYT a lib haven comes off as an obvious false flag. We need you to keep doing this!!!

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Thank you for your stellar debunking of the incredibly biased corporate "mainstream" media. Another good source is FAIR (Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting), and yet another is Media Lens (which is UK-based and focused).

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Looks like German’s in a good mood blithely explaining away the drop in US Murder rates:


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Lazy ass elitist newspaper, no longer knows what "news (is) fit to print".

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You taught me how to become an investigative reporter! Why doesn't NYT use investigative reporting skills for everyone's benefit and not just the cops' benefit?

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Because the Times is government propaganda, same as all the corporate "mainstream" news. Telling the truth is not what the corporate news is there for.

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