Mar 25Liked by Alec Karakatsanis

Thank you for all you do. You are one of my heroes.

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I so appreciate your work, Alec. Family separation policies are so evil, in all their forms. Like all punitive measures, they just add trauma to trauma. Grateful that you see another possible world, and for your tireless efforts in working toward it.

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This story reminds me of something pointed out by John Berger from the UK.

“Everything is commodified because it CAN be commodified.”

I.e. the founding rule of making money in capitalism.

The trouble for civil society is when we start to commodify other people instead of forming community with them.

Thanks very much for this.

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Mar 25Liked by Alec Karakatsanis

Thank you for shining a light on something so nefarious yet so far removed from public consciousness, and connecting it to the larger story about what copaganda obscures. Your work matters so much!

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That's appalling and despicable. Thank you for doing something about it.

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I was glad to see you back on Substack, Alec! Thank you for your good work!

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I am always so encouraged to hear of the great work you and the CRC team are involved in! These are incredibly challenging fights, taking on the dominant, ruthless power structures. The struggle for justice and humanity has never been easy in this country, but this amazing work will inevitably reap invaluable rewards for so many people - while forging new paths for the future champions of this work. I also cannot wait to get a copy of Copaganda!!

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Mar 26Liked by Alec Karakatsanis

Thank you for the update! I was just thinking of your newsletter when I was reading an article in the LA Times from yesterday, titled "Healing her hometown, one block at a time," by Karen Garcia. A really subtle piece of copaganda.

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Mar 25Liked by Alec Karakatsanis

Holy crap. Thank you for bringing this story to us, but that is heartbreaking and infuriating.

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Mar 25Liked by Alec Karakatsanis

Your work is one of the things that kept me on Twitter for so long. Thank you for all that you do.

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Very glad to see this. And, as you know, it’s only the tip of the iceberg. Are you familiar with the work of the Benton Foundation and the Digital Equity Act?

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You're so inspiring and eye opening with all of this and so much more.

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